A story to be believed in.
Personally, I am motivated to be a person who has identified ways of impacting people, and not just by the action of impacting people. Day in and Days out I spend time in understanding what kind of success is only serving an existing segment and not a wider pool of people.
Understanding your ideas: Saving ideas and Spending Time on the Internet
This book talks about how you can use the internet to understand your thoughts by 1) saving them in a structured way which you build using coding, and 2) engaging in an attitude of understanding how a specific thing on the internet was cultivated by its producer.
Mindset Less Development
Mindset Less development is key to more wide-spread success. At one hand those who don't have the mindset can't succeed. On the other hand those with a successful mindset are unreachable, neither can they reach others.
Machiavelli famously wrote, "There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things."
Sarthak on leaders duty today "A 21st Century Vision's Exoteric: Ability to search, Space to think, Skill to remake"
The fascinating thoughts here are that creativity can be unleashed by structure namely a big specific impersonal vision. This vision makes it possible for you to search in pursuit of learning,
it provides the open mindset to understand workings of other's thought, and brings in excitement necessary to achieve popularity through unique work.
"A business works by changing chapters, the old processes have to die and new processes have to be learned"
Book in Focus: The end of competitive advantage, Rita McGrath
"Recurrence at Scale is a Big problem" or "There's a problem in the solution"
Book in Focus: Seeing Like a State, James C. Scott
FAVORITE LINES (These don't matter though, just ooaahh, not even dust)
SIGNATURE STATEMENTS (Note to self: Be cautious about hitting yourself in the foot)
Don't remember
Imagination is everything.
The world keeps going round, you don't have to.
Men, the world moves slowly.
Let's stop putting extra lights on one path.
Rejections have information.
I need to forget, so I can learn more.
This is not the right thing for me right now, because I don't have money to purchase it.
What you are feeling is valid.
Let's not get worked up because of an insight.
Don't force it
The next iteration doesn't print "SUCCESS"
The universe helps but has its own goals, SO, don't trust the universe
Intelligence cares about intelligence itself(Not your body, family, society..)